Network Security Audit | Why It is so important in Industry?


A network security audit is the protection of company data. It is part of an overall information systems audit framework and includes application software audit, operation system audit, and business audit. Arisen technologies are providing the best security services in India and the USA. Our Security Audits are based on industry-accepted standards, and legal requirements specific to the industry and country.

The most important part of security assessments is the security review & gap analysis. Network Security Audit is a manual and systematic measurable technical assessment of a network system & application. It is the glue that ties the entire security risk assessment solution together. Our Network Security Audit covers all aspects of the IT infrastructure and determines gaps on industry standards. The resulting report is suitable for defining your future security strategy, defining budgets, and the order to implement security risk mitigation solutions.

Assurance and Security Audit Services

·        Network Security Audit Company

·        Certified security audit

·        Cyber security audit

·        Network security audit

·        Penetration test and penetration testing

·        Risk assessment

·        Security testing

·        Social engineering security assessment

Arisen provides the consulting services for security you need to uncover weaknesses in your security posture and to maintain adherence to your industry compliance requirements. The audit exercise also determines the reasons for the gaps and provides recommendations to bridge these gaps. We provide security assessment and assurance covering a broad range of solutions.


Stay ahead of network and information security compliance requirements. When you feel your data are unsafe then you need to contact the best agency that provides the best security services. Understand the state of your organization’s security. Find and eliminate security gaps. Contact Arisen today to find out more about Network Security Audit & Compliance Services.


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